Hi All I thought it was about time that I did some kind of site or blog. The aim of this blog is to let everyone know what we are upto in Brazil and share any news or even prayer requests with people.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Hi all
I thought it was about time I updated this blog. Stuff is going well with us. The youth stuff is ticking over, next Sunday we'll be are last meeting with them before we go down to Presidente Prudente to spend Christmas with Katia's family, so we’ll do something special and have lunch together. The English course at church is going well, those guys are really enjoying it and they are really open to God, to praying and we introduce a worship songs in English which they have really enjoyed.
Teaching in the school is going well my group of teenagers won a prize for a presentation they did. This past Friday it was a holiday so Katia and I went to the zoo with some friends.
Friday and Saturday we caught a Randy Clark conference here in Recife, he's an American preacher with a healing ministry. Apart from starting late it was really good and God was there in a big way, there were a lot of healings. It was really nice to go to a meeting like that and meet with God in a big way.


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